
『Street Photography』 Julian Hebbrecht

MEDIA SHOPギャラリースペースでの次回展覧会のご案内です!

日時:2010.2.7(日)~2.13(土) open.12:00 close.20:00


『Street Photography』展によせて

Street Photographyを撮ることは簡単のようで難しい。どこでも対象物を見つけることは簡単でありながら、それを見つけ出すこととそれに反応することは難しい。

■Julian Hebbrecht略歴

ベルギー生まれ。18歳の時から独学で写真を学び、22歳のときにLeica Photo contestで賞を取る。その後、オランダ、アムステルダムにあるThe Rietueld Art Academyにて美術を学ぶ。長年、フィルムカメラを使用していたが、2003年よりCanon EOS,20D,30D,7Dと様々なレンズを使用している。その場の雰囲気を守る為にフラッシュは使用しない。
昔のStreet photographyの大家である、Henri Cartier-Bresson,Robert Doisneau,Ed van der Elskenなどの写真家から着想を得ている。


『Jazz Photography』in Kyoto 2006
『Street Photography』in Osaka Soho Gallery 2008
『Street Photography』in Belgium 2009
今年Antwerp,Stieglitz 19 Galleryにて個展を開催する。


About this exhibition:
The pictures in this exhibition were taken on the streets of Osaka and Kyoto.

Street photography is easy and it is difficult.It's easy because you find your subjects everywhere. It is difficult because street photography is about seeing and reacting.
Seeing is the most important part:light,lines,fore-and background,movement,things and people that interact for only a split second to create these unique moments.Portraits of people and pictures of street scenes are endlessly fascinating because they show a moment of life captured in an image.

About the photographer:
Julian Hebbrecht became interested in photography at the age of 18 and joined a camera club in his home town in Belgium.Soon he started participating in local photography exhibitions and won a prize in a Leica photo contest.
He switched from traditional film and darkroom techniques to digital photography seven years ago and uses Canon EOS cameras 20D,30D and 7D with an assortment of lenses.He doesn't use flash illumination in order preserve the atmosphere of the moment.
His inspirations in photography are the old masters of street photography such as Henri Cartier-Bresson,Robert Doisneau,Ed van der Elsken and others.
He had an exhibition of his jazz photographs in Kyoto in 2006, an exhibition in 2008 of his Street Photography pictures in Belgium in 2009.A new exhibition is planned at the Stieglitz 19 Gallery in Antwerp,Belgium for this year.

His work can be seen at http://julianht.smugmug.com




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